
Pakistan is proud of her youth, particularly the students, who are nation-builders of tomorrow. They must fully equip themselves by discipline, education and training for the arduous task lying ahead of them.

Rear Admiral Irfan Ahmed Hi(M), Sj. Pk. Navy

It has been a wonderful and satisfactory experience for me to participate in parents day of Pakistan Cadet School and College Murree. I must say that in a very short time this institution has made its marks.

The standard of parade and overall function was very good. It was well organized and impressive from all standards. I wish and pray for continuous success of this institution. I am sure, like any other renowned colleges, it will produce many sons for the country. I am confident many of these cadets will also join Armed Forces and will be able to serve the Nation in ensuring security and solidarity of our beloved Country.

God be with you in your efforts and guide you to ultimate success.

God bless you all.